Ethics Channel
Human Resources Policy
Sustainable Development Policy
Suppliers Manual
Code of Conduct
In order for our stakeholders to report any violation of the guidelines of our Policies, current legislation and regulations applicable to Grendene, we have an Ethics Channel. The mechanisms are independent, operated by a specialized outsourced company, ensuring anonymity and confidentiality of the information received. Complaints are open to the entire public and can be made by employees or interested parties.
To sign Grendene’s commitment to society, we seek
to positively influence communities and generate positive impacts
in the territories where we operate.
Here are some projects supported in recent years:
The Cartago brand supports some social initiatives focused on human relations. The brand provided free videos and e-books with activities to assist parents in their children’s learning process. During the period in which it was made available, the material was accessed 10 thousand times.
In 2021, the Rider brand started a partnership with the ITI Institute, which operates with projects aimed at residents of Itabira (MG), with the objective of strengthening the creative economy and fostering the autonomy of people in vulnerable situations, through professional qualification, culture and education.
Among the activities offered to the population were technical training in sewing, fashion and handcrafts using upcycling (use of raw material from old collections, reframing them to create new products). In 2022, we donated 16,616 meters of textiles to support technical training in sustainable fashion, impacting 3 thousand people.
In partnership with the State Superintendence of the Environment of Ceará (Semace), the Sítio Fundão State Park in Crato and the Municipal Environment Agency (AMA) of Sobral, we carried out actions to plant seedlings and donate food to the community.
2,233 seedlings planted
1,592 kg of food donated
*The action takes place annually, the data above refers to 2022
Project focused on environmental education, circular economy and combating waste, through the distribution of educational material in schools and local institutions and educational activations with our employees.
The Sustainable Women Entrepreneurs Network (Remes, in Portuguese) is an NGO that contributes to the socioeconomic development of women in situations of social vulnerability in the city of Fortaleza (CE), through the creative economy and environmental awareness. Since 2018, we have supported the Network through the donation of textile materials for the manufacture of carpets, covers, bags and other products that are sold and reverted to the project. In 2022 alone, we donated the equivalent of 50,478 meters of materials (including coverline, thread, fabric, bias, etc.).
The Grendha brand conducts a series of projects and partnerships to promote women’s health and well-being. With the Pense Rosa Project, from the NGO Orientavida, supported since 2017, the brand promotes awareness about the early diagnosis of breast cancer and donates mammograms to women in socially vulnerable situations. Check out other social actions by Grendha:
Grendha Sustainability