Use of Renewable Electric Energy with I-REC (Renewable Energy Certificate) certification
4,032 Photovoltaic Plant in the Crato unit (CE), 3,500 in the Sobral unit (CE), and another 208 installed at the Farroupilha (RS) unit.
Industrial waste destined for landfills
For the third consecutive year , we answered CDP’s Climate Change and Water Security questionnaires. For Climate Change, we obtained a C rating and, in Water Security, we increased our score from C to -B. In addition, we answered the Forestry questionnaire for the first time, aimed at timber commodities, because we fall under the chain of large packaging buyers, and we achieved a C rating.
We look carefully at water management in all the places we are present, with a special focus on the regions with the highest water risk. Of our four industrial units, two are located in an area at risk of water stress - Crato (CE) and Fortaleza (CE) - according to the WRI Aqueduct Water Risk Atlas system. Therefore, we have invested in a series of initiatives to reduce and reuse water.
To cool industrial equipment
To irrigate green areas
Toilet flushing
On average, we recycle 90% of our waste annually and recover 5% through reuse processes. The other 5% is sent for environmentally friendly disposal: we do not send industrial waste to landfills.
The main raw material for manufacturing shoes is continuous use and 100% recyclable;
Recycling and reincorporating formed EVA waste;
Internal recycling of solvents for cleaning screen printing screens and containers that return to the same activity to which they came from;
Reverse logistics of obsolete pigments.
Grendene invests in industrial technologies, such as machinery and equipment, to increase our efficiency in the use of materials and reduce waste in our operations.